Tuesday, December 18, 2012

People Who Should Buy Long Term Care Insurance

Many things have already been said about LTCi policies. The debates over the issue of its importance and necessity have been circulating in the country for ages now, and still, some people are not yet fully aware or are not able to understand the concept of such policies and how it can benefit the policyholders. The question of who should buy long term care insurance may present different answers, depending on the perspective of the person you would ask.

For some, owning an LTC insurance plan is impractical and might just be a waste of time and money. They think that such policies are not necessary and would not matter when the time comes that the insured person needs to use its benefits. They also do not see the need to buy it as early as now because of the idea that they can just save up some amount of money and use these savings to pay for their LTC needs in the future.

Unknown to them, LTC insurance rates have the tendency to increase at about ten to twelve percent for every year that the plan acquisition is delayed by the person. This means that there is a big possibility that the already expensive and high-priced rates of LTC insurance today are going to be more expensive in the years to come, making it harder for some Americans to purchase and own one for themselves.

Honestly, if we try to think and comprehend our current financial situation, there should be no need to debate and argue about who should buy long term care insurance policies because each and every one of us should start considering and should see it as one of the most important life investments that we can give ourselves.

There was a study which showed that an average individual who is aged 60 years old and above would require to receive LTC services at least once in their lifetime. This study also concluded that the confinement or stay in a nursing home facility of an individual who is receiving his policy benefits usually lasts up to three years, or not more than five years.

This study only proved that even if we try to be healthy and live a vice-free life, we still cannot assume that we will have a perfect health condition. Old age can bring about many consequences, and the most obvious are being weaker and accumulating certain diseases and illnesses. These illnesses may lead an individual to depend on others' help in order to perform with ease even the daily basic tasks such as eating, walking, and taking a bath.

LTC policies also provide the policyholders of the assistance, guidance, and care from medical professionals such as doctors, nurses, and caregivers that give utmost importance to the health and welfare of the insured persons.

We should not be focused on who should buy long term care insurance because it is more important to know the benefits and other pertinent advantages that policyholders might get from these policies. After all, studies and surveys already proved the importance of having such in our lives. Now, it is up to us to act and start considering our future by buying an LTC insurance plan from our trusted and preferred insurance companies.

How To Avoid Bankruptcy - Things You Should Know

Today most countries in the world are experiencing economic crisis and a lot of people are having difficulty coping with their financial problems. In most cases these people believe that the only way to end their misery is to file bankruptcy. But what is bankruptcy, really? Are these people even aware of what this can do to their lives? Let me give you an insight of what it really is, how it works, and what you can get if you do file.

There are several types of bankruptcy options. One of which, is Chapter 7 bankruptcy. Some people believe this is the best way to solve financial problems because it removes unsecured debts. However, this option obligates you to sell your remaining assets to pay creditors regardless if you want to or not. The sad part about Chapter 7 bankruptcy is the qualifying process. It is almost impossible to qualify since the laws were changes in 2005. Another downside of Chapter 7 bankruptcy is that someone else will be in control of your finances and assets. Overall this option is not a good choice and should definitely be avoided.

Another type of bankruptcy is Chapter 13 bankruptcy. Although it is much easier to meet criteria for this type of bankruptcy, court appointed trustees will still be in command of your assets and finances, thus endangering your privacy. You will be forced to agree to all decisions they make on your behalf. In addition, you will have to pay considerably to go through this process. This is not the best solution for your economic despair but rather an additional burden.

So what is the best way to resolve your financial problems? You must search for available services that can give you the same benefits you can get from Chapter 7 and Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but will allow you to control your assets and finances as well. You must avoid both personal and business bankruptcy at all costs. Instead, focus on finding solutions that give you the means to reduce your debt balance without losing financial control of your hard earned money. Selling your remaining assets is not a good decision to make, especially in financially tough times. You can avoid bankruptcy if you have the right knowledge and tools. You must look for a good service to help you achieve this. The best way to get out of money troubles is to use legally effective systems which allow you to avoid bankruptcy and resolve financial distress.

Saturday, December 8, 2012

Life Insurance for Seniors - Finding the Best Policy That Suits Your Needs

Life insurance plays a vital role in light of increasing inflation, changes in lifestyle and changes the nuclear families. Life insurance needs to be catered for in the financial planning process that involves charting out the long- term financial goals and aims with the goal of achieving the same. Life insurance involves elements of protection, planning for contingencies & emergencies and wealth creation. This means that the financial plans need to be reviewed to accommodate the specific demands of different life stages.

Specializing in tailor made products/services:

Many insurance companies turn away customers whom they consider elderly. The life insurance for seniors makes it possible for the elderly to find an insurance policy that suits their needs. Therefore, senior citizens and there loved one do not have to endure companies that keep turning them down. Furthermore, senior citizens do not have to look through all the available company websites to find what they need. They also do not have to keep talking to an endless list of agents to find the right company with the best policy.

Life insurance seniors offer a fast, easy and convenient way for comparing insurance options available from leading insurance companies, in the industry. By answering several important questions including the state you live in, the year of birth and your gender a latest technology this will give you an opportunity to get a free quote online. You will be able to receive useful information to ease an informed decision.

Furthermore, the seniors quote can be obtained at no charge. The quotes are also obtained fast from a single and reliable source. Therefore, customers do not have to check out on every company, website and agent to find a policy that suits them. They only need to compare the quotes available from the list of companies. They overcome the laborious struggles demanded in finding the best policy.

The company facilitates insurance for seniors to cater for seniors living on a regular- fixed budget. By comparing different offers, customers can benefit from a policy that falls within their budget. In fact, this overcomes the mistakes done by many seniors who fall prey to exorbitant offers simply because they did not take the initiative of getting several quotes to facilitate an informed decision.

The insurance offers many opportunities to the elderly who are often ignored by many of the insurance companies. These leading companies offer coverage without demanding a medical examination. In case you have been diagnosed with an illness, these companies can help a financial 'safety net' to cater for possible hospital care and funeral/ cremation expenses. Furthermore, the policies offer the perfect savings to cater for grandchildren and great-grandchildren to facilitate their expenses including college tuition.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Speedy Increase of Kentucky Long Term Care Costs   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   Basic Considerations To Get Lower Long Term Care Insurance Rates   

Family Protection Benefit and Life Insurance Policies

When a person sets up a life insurance plan, their aim is usually to make sure that there would be a sum of money available if they were to pass away unexpectedly. People have various motivations for setting up life insurance, however the main ones are usually to pay off a mortgage or other debt (so that the surviving family members are not stuck with repayments they can't afford), to provide an ongoing income for family (this is particularly important if the person being insured is the main household income earner), and to cover any other final costs (for example funeral costs or legal bills).

For some of these common needs, like covering the outstanding mortgage balance, an insurance lump sum is usually the most useful option. This gives the recipients the ability to cover the whole debt, making sure that this is totally and immediately cleared. For most families, using insurance in this way removes a significant financial burden, as well as relieving the stress that comes with it. However for other life insurance needs, a lump sum can cause unexpected problems.

One of the main unforeseen issues that a life insurance lump sum can cause arises when the surviving family members are not equipped to deal with a sudden sum of money. Life insurance lump sums can be significant (it's not uncommon for people to be insured for hundreds of thousands or more), and this type of figure, as a cash lump sum, can be quite daunting for many people. This is particularly the case when they don't have the experience or financial literacy to deal with an amount like this. In this type of situation choosing what to do with the life insurance policies might be hard. There could be decisions to make about whether to pay off debt or invest in things like a child's education - and weighing up these choices is not always easy.

Some insurance policies have a built in "financial planning grant", which gives a small additional sum which the survivors can use to engage a Financial Planner to advise them. This type of feature can certainly help.

Another option is to use what is often called a "Family Protection Benefit" or "Survivors Income Benefit". This is an insurance option where, rather than receiving a single lump sum, the recipients will receive a regular monthly income from the life insurance company. This is set at the time the insurance policy is set up - and can be basically any amount, so the family can decide which amount would be needed and insure this figure. The number of years the policy is to pay out for can also be chosen - so people can choose a time period (for example 10, 15, 20 years etc) - that the ongoing income would be needed for.

This type of life insurance option is often used in conjunction with the more traditional insurance lump sum. In this way the lump sum can be used to clear debt such as the mortgage, while the Family Protection Benefit can provide the family with an ongoing income.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   5 Myths About Long Term Care   

The Never-Ending Debate on Who Should Buy Long Term Care Insurance

Since the necessity for an LTC insurance plan has been widely campaigned and promoted in the country, numerous debates about who should buy long term care insurance arouse in almost all parts of the country.

Several people who are claiming to be insurance experts or authorities when it comes to insurance polices such as LTC plans, openly discuss, usually through Internet, the pros and cons of owning one. Their opinions, whether presented by facts or personal opinions, are undeniably one of the factors that most Americans consider before considering or before actually buying such policies.

There are some individuals who think that LTC insurance plans are just waste of time and money especially now that the country has not yet fully recovered from the economic turmoil that it experienced several years ago. They claim that purchasing these kinds of policies are not to be rushed and that there are other important things that need to be prioritized by the people.

They keep on saying and enumerating negative possibilities that might happen when a person acquires his LTC policy during these financially challenging times without actually realizing or considering the other facts which prove that early acquisition of such policies may even give the individual more benefits and advantages.

In fact, a certain study showed that those who should buy long term care insurance plans must start acquiring their insurance plan as early as today in order to get a chance of being granted more affordable and cheaper policy rates and monthly premiums, especially because insurance providers usually favor or prefer younger and healthier insurance applicants.

Also, the study implies that for every year that an LTC insurance policy purchase is postponed or delayed, the person might be more burdened financially because of the ten to twelve percent increase on the rates and prices of monthly premiums annually. This means that a person who cannot afford the expensive monthly premiums of some LTC plans now would most likely cannot afford the newer and more expensive rates in the coming years.

But the expensive rates should not be a problem now for those 32 million residents who are still uninsured and do not have their own LTC plan because the government has created and implemented latest insurance policy options wherein it offers cheaper and more flexible monthly rates that would fit the budget and financial capabilities of the majority of the United States citizens.

These latest programs are designed to further encourage, and eventually convince the public to acquire an LTC insurance policy that would cover and pay their LTC needs and services in the years to come. This is also one way of lessening the amount that the Medicaid spends every year, just for the LTC-related expenses alone.

With these newer, cheaper, and more lenient LTC insurance plan alternatives, there should not be any debates on who should buy long term care insurance anymore because in one way or another, all of us would surely need and require to receive LTC services at least once in our lives. And this is not just an opinion. It is a fact supported by certain studies and surveys conducted to further prove and establish the importance of LTC plans in each and everyone's life.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Do Partnership Policies Cost More?   Valuable Long Term Care Planning Details   

Value of Age and How It Affects the Long Term Care Costs

One of the major hindrances why some Americans are still not interested of buying their own LTC insurance policy is due to the long term care costs that are undeniably expensive and impossible to maintain particularly to the average income earners.

The financial complications of availing an LTC plan has been one of the top concerns of the public since they do not want to experience being caught off guard by another economic turmoil in the future. Since the worldwide recession several years ago, the public has been more concerned and watchful on how they spend and allocate their monetary resources and as a result, they would save as much as they can for future needs.

Sadly, they consider availing an LTC plan as something that could wait and be purchased on a later date, or worse, they do not believe that it is as important as what insurance companies and LTC policyholders tell them. They think that since they are still young and healthy, there is no need for them to rush getting their policies.

On the contrary, insurance industry advisers and experts believe that it is more advantageous and beneficial to an individual if he acquires his own LTC insurance plan as early in life as possible because younger applicants are typically given more favorable policy rates and monthly premiums than those who apply for their insurance at an older age or when they are nearing their retirement age.

It is because the age of the applicant at the time of his insurance deeply affects the long term care costs that he might probably get for his LTC policy. Not all people may be aware that availing an LTC policy at a young age can give the person cheaper monthly premiums and other benefits.

One of the reasons why most insurance providers give more favorable policy costs to these young applicants is to encourage the public, and to let them know that one of the ways for them to avoid the burdens of paying for expensive monthly premiums is to acquire their plan while they have stable financial resources to pay for their premiums.

Aside from the low premiums and other LTC-related rates that might be given to young policy owners, they also have the chance to be granted the highest possible level of inflation protection.

For all who do not know what inflation protection is, it is one of the mandatory features that all LTC policies in the United States must have. It is also considered as the most important and most beneficial of all LTC features because it can regulate, adjust, and control the worth or value of a particular LTC insurance based on the present and latest costs of LTC services available.

This means that an individual does not have to worry about the value of his insurance policy even if he availed it many years before he actually started receiving his policy benefits. The adjustment is automatic in order to make the policy valid and usable.

Purchasing an LTC plan at an early age may have other benefits, to know more about these, and to gain more information on the other possible ways of getting cheaper long term care costs, contact your insurance provider now or inquire through the use of LTC assessment tools online.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Speedy Increase of Kentucky Long Term Care Costs   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   Basic Considerations To Get Lower Long Term Care Insurance Rates   Are You Planning Your Long Term Care As You Should?   

Vermont Long Term Care Costs and Policy Options

For so many years now, the Vermont long term care has been one of the most vital and important issues that the state of Vermont focuses on. It has been one of their topmost concerns when it comes to providing their residents the best and highest type of health care and medical attention that they need, especially to those who are still uninsured.

Investing on an LTC insurance plan these days is not an easy decision for everyone to make, especially because of the other priorities that each individual has. Also, the expensive and high-priced rates and other prices of such policies do not help the individual to consider it or to even get second thoughts about purchasing it.

If you are leaving in Vermont, there is a big chance that you might end up spending your retirement years in another state or region particularly if you were not able to prepare for it early on in your life. Your life-long savings and other personal assets might just be all used up due to the high rates of LTC services alone.

The LTC costs rates in Vermont are found out to be higher than the national average, making it doubly harder for Vermonters to acquire LTC insurance policies, especially those Vermont residents who are considered average income earners or to those who belong below the poverty level. According to the Genworth Financial Cost of Care survey, the median yearly rate of a home care costs around $48,000 to $50,000 as compared to the national median rate of $43,000 to $44,000.

The rates and costs for the licensed home health aide in this state have increased by almost three percent in five years, higher than the national annual increase of two percent. This makes the Vermont long term care costs the 14th state to have the priciest costs of LTC home care services in the country.

Although the option to stay in a nursing home or adult day care facilities are provided for almost all LTC insurance plans in the state, 78 percent of Vermonters prefer to be cared or treated at their own homes. 18 percent favor assisted living while the remaining 2 percent choose to be confined in nursing homes.

The local state government of Vermont has been patient in finding ways to help those families who receive home-based services to spend lesser amount of money and also to provide decent living for the weak and ill senior citizens.

Because of this, the Partnership program was adapted by Vermont as soon as the Deficit Reduction Act of 2005 mandated all states to provide cheaper LTC insurance plan alternatives for their residents, hoping that the number of those insured individuals may somehow increase and also to provide information to the others who are not yet fully aware of what an LTC insurance policy really is.

Although the Vermont long term care costs rank as one of the highest and most expensive in the country, this must not keep the residents from considering getting such policies. Besides, with a cheaper alternative in the form of the state's Partnership program, the residents now have better options and choices of how to spend their money for their future LTC needs.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Are You Planning Your Long Term Care As You Should?   Do Partnership Policies Cost More?   Valuable Long Term Care Planning Details   

Long Term Care Insurance Options

Long term care insurance is an expensive proposition for most people, so it's worth taking the time to consider all the facts and options available before you sign on the dotted line and start paying premiums for a LTC insurance policy. First of all, not everyone will need term care, but the threat is real which is why you may find yourself reading this article.

Is an LTC policy worth the premiums you would have to pay? This is an individual choice based on your personal circumstances and health, but here are a few points to help you make your decision:

Nearly two-thirds of the people over the age of 65 will need term policy. Your personal medical history, family health history and your current profile may be an indication of whether you would need long term care in the future.1 As the world turns more global, families are dispersed across the United States and in some cases, settling into jobs overseas. This leaves the elderly without any family assistance close by should the need for care arise. If you don't have family or friends nearby whom you could rely on, you may want to consider long term care insurance. Individual finances will also play a major factor in the decision making process. While the cost of hospitalization may be borne by MediClaim it's the post-operative time when you are recuperating at home that may require long term care services.

Alternatives to Long Term Care Insurance

The exorbitant costs of insurance and the possibility that the insured may never need to use it are forcing people to think about alternatives to long term care insurance. Instead of term insurance what are the other options available to you?

· Designate savings for term care and don't dip into it.

· Dedicate an asset that can be easily liquidated to pay for term care expenses.

· Talk about the need for long term care with your family. They may be far away but may consider the cost of paying for services or help you move closer to where they can easily provide for your needs. The other option is for your family to pay the premiums for your term policy.

Most of the options stated above rely on your assets or your family to pay for long term care services. Keep in mind that insurance services could eat into your savings fairly quickly or could place a financial burden on your children if they need to pay for it. To avoid this, be prepared to pay for such expenses if and when the need arose.

Combine Life Insurance with a Long Term Care Rider

The better option would be to combine your life insurance policy with an LTC rider. This means that if you need benefits along the way, you can receive these benefits through your life insurance policy. When you die the LTC benefits will be deducted from the death benefits before paying your beneficiary. This type of option is affordable, but you would need to carefully check the scope of benefits available in the LTC rider.

To bring down the premiums, you can increase your elimination period (waiting period). The elimination period is the number of days that you will pay for term services without your insurance kicking in. Choosing the maximum period of elimination will decrease your premium amount.

Having a full-range of benefits on your policy would simply hike your premiums. It's important to choose the scope of benefits that would best apply to your situation considering your current health and family health history.

Shopping for Long Term Care Insurance

Consumers know they may need LTC benefits and would like to purchase a policy. But rates are alarmingly prohibitive especially in a recessive economy where most people are finding it hard to make payments on mortgage and health care insurance.

It pays to shop around for LTC insurance or a life insurance policy with an LTC rider. Take advantage of online life insurance quoting services. Many of these sites also offer professional guidance to help you find and choose a policy that is affordable and adequately meets your insurance needs.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   5 Myths About Long Term Care   Basic Considerations To Get Lower Long Term Care Insurance Rates   

Ways to Save on Long Term Care

Whenever we find something of interest to us and we really want to buy it, we save for it. Whether it's a house, new car, designer clothing, the latest game console, or a vacation package among others we would save money to be able to purchase it. That only means finding ways to save on long term care is not an impossible thing to do.

Nobody wants to think of long term care or the possibility of requiring it. We all want to maintain young, healthy and immortal if God would allow the last. Unfortunately, these things are just pigments of one's imagination because aging is inevitable.

We can, however, enjoy the aging process if we plan for this transitional stage, anticipate the possible events that may occur and create effective strategies that will help us deal with all the challenges that may arise.

Long-term care planning is not different from formulating a career plan. Backtrack to your first day in your first job which is probably 10 or 20 years ago. That was the time that you consciously and subconsciously began the construction of your long-term career goals.

Planning constitutes of different steps or should we say structured levels that you have to go through at the appropriate time, otherwise you can never reach your goal. Reaching the end of a process does not always mean you've reached your goal unless you benefit from it.

For example, an executive of a telecommunications company invested a big amount of his earnings on a comprehensive long term care insurance (LTCI) policy which has a maximum benefit amount of $750,000 and lifetime coverage period.

After 25 years of premium payment, he qualified for long term care (LTC) as his doctors discovered that he was already at the end stage of cirrhosis of the liver. It was while satisfying his policy's elimination period in a nursing home that his life was snuffed out.

Obviously, the executive wasted a lot of money on an LTCI policy because he did not have his health assessed by a doctor first before purchasing his policy. The end result is that he died without receiving his benefits.

Save on Long Term Care

You do not have to put all of your resources on a single LTCI policy because your maximum benefit amount should depend on the type of care that you will require in the future.

Before buying a policy, the first thing that you have to do is consult a doctor so that you will know the present state of your health. It would also help if you could look up your family's health history to find out if you have a genetic predisposition to a specific type of illness.

Your current lifestyle also says a lot about how your future health. So if you're a heavy drinker don't discount the possibility of acquiring liver cancer, brain damage, or some form of hepatitis. Meanwhile, if a cigarette hangs out of your mouth every hour beware of lung diseases.

Doctors can attest that any type of sickness gradually develops, not overnight. So the best way to save on long term care is to change your unhealthy lifestyle and to see your doctor on a regular basis.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Speedy Increase of Kentucky Long Term Care Costs   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   

Why the Need to Buy a Long Term Care Policy ASAP?

During these present times, almost all of the basic and most needed commodities have seen a great number of increases in their prices, making it harder for some Americans to purchase other valuable investments like insurance policies that they could use to somehow ease their lives in the future. Some of them have even made up their minds and to buy a long term care policy or not is no longer an option because they, as they believe, have found another way of how they can get LTC services without purchasing an LTC insurance.

They have the notion and perception that since the rates and other prices of LTC policies are quite high nowadays, they will just save up and use their savings just in case they would need to receive services and facilities concerning their LTC needs. Up until now, there are some people who think they would not need an LTC insurance and that there are other things that they should put first.

But unfortunately, some studies have contrast results with this kind of thinking that most of the public has, because it revealed that a person who is aged 60 or above would need to receive and use LTC services at least once in their entire lifetime and that the average period is usually from three to five years.

This fact shows that owning an LTC insurance plan is not a question of how well a person's health state is or will be. It is a matter of having the assurance and security that when the time comes that he can no longer do some basic tasks by himself, he can use it to get some assistance from licensed and authorized medical workers.

Yes, to buy a long term care policy should not be a question anymore and the high-priced rates should not also concern those who are considering of getting one. It is a known fact that the amount of LTC insurance is quite expensive but what the public should take in mind is that this prices will continue to increase and will give them even bigger financial woes in the future if they do not take actions now.

The longer period an individual delays his LTC plan acquisition, the higher chances of him paying for more expensive monthly premiums in the future. This is because the rates of these insurance policies increase for almost 12% every year in all states, which also affects the amount of services and facilities that some nursing homes and assisted living facilities provide.

When this happens, those who just saved up and would completely rely on their savings might not get all the necessary LTC services that they might need in the coming years. There is also a big possibility that their savings would all be used up but would still not be enough to compensate for all the LTC-related issues that they would have to deal with.

As the old cliché goes, "No pain, no gain." This might be true in the case of LTC insurance because at the moment, the individual would only feel the hassles of paying for the premiums but in the end, he would realize that all his sacrifices and choices in favor of his plan acquisition are all worth it. So contact your insurance provider now and inquire about the possibilities that you can avail. Who knows, you might eventually be convinced to buy a long term care policy as early as now and be spared from bigger financial problems in the future.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Valuable Long Term Care Planning Details   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   5 Myths About Long Term Care   

Why We Read Long Term Care Articles

Each one of us may require long term care in the future but we will definitely have different sets of requirements. An array of articles that disseminate long term care information will come in handy for anyone who is in search of a long term care facility that will meet all of his health care needs.

Conducting your research is not going to be time consuming because all it takes to gather pieces of information about long term care (LTC) is an Internet connection and just a mouse click.

Although all of the articles on LTC that you will stumble upon online may seem identical at a glance, reading them will make you realize that each has a different slant. Perhaps some is an overview of LTC while others may be about how to fund LTC services.

There are even articles that have been written by nursing home residents to either share their good experience or to expose certain anomalies.

You will definitely find online articles about LTC very helpful especially if you are currently in the process of planning your future or that of a loved one who is moving towards the age of 65.

Sharing Long Term Care Information as a Reminder

Some articles about LTC were written to indirectly remind everybody of the importance of planning their future health care needs.

For instance, how many times have you encountered an article that mentioned 70% of elderly people 65 years of age and older will need LTC? Articles of this kind will make you think and motivate you to come up with an effective LTC plan lest you risk losing all of your assets which took you many decades to acquire.

Meanwhile other LTC write ups aim to provide readers with more options. Take for instance those articles that focus on the different ways to cover LTC expenses. Among the highly recommended are long term care insurance (LTCI) policies, reverse mortgages, annuities, and 401(k).

You'll also find a wide range of substantial articles about LTC settings. These articles are definitely engaging as they meticulously delve into the services that are provided by nursing homes, home health care agencies, and community-based LTC facilities such as an assisted living facility, adult day care health center and a center for hospice care among others.

By reading these online articles you'll definitely get your fill of general information on LTC, but it's important for you to consider your personal health care needs, too, otherwise the great volume of LTC articles that you've devoured will be useless.

To be able to identify your health care needs you have to see your doctor first and have your present health condition assessed. It is also necessary to look up your family's health history and check if you have a genetic predisposition towards a certain type of illness since the type of LTC setting that you will be in someday should conform to the condition that you could possibly develop in the future.

Aside from articles and books, you can receive first-hand long term care information from licensed LTCI agents, the Department of Health and Human Services and Area Agencies on Aging.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Are You Planning Your Long Term Care As You Should?   Do Partnership Policies Cost More?   

Help! I Need an Affordable Term Life Insurance Policy!

If you need an affordable term life insurance policy and you are not sure how to find the best coverage at the best value, help is here.

Is this the first time you have shopped for life insurance? You are lucky. Or perhaps this isn't the first time you shopped for life insurance but it has been a couple years or so. You are in for a surprise.

Shopping for life insurance policy has changed recently. And the change is dramatic. Just within the past year or so, a technological breakthrough has occurred. IT wasn't an accident. Consumers invented it... for consumers. And they kept it free so everyone can take advantage of it.

Contrast that with the old school, old fashioned way of shopping for insurance: going from one company to the next, filling out one application after another, waiting and waiting and waiting...The process was a time consuming hassle! Who has the time for it? Who has the patience for it?

Now, you just use an online quoting service. You answer a few simple questions. Nothing complicated, very basic. Then you click one button. And almost instantly, you see quotes. More quotes than you might have expected. With surprisingly affordable rates.

You compare your options...choose the one that best fits your needs and your budget... Then you can usually pay your first premium online, using your credit card. In most cases, you can even download a copy of your new policy that you can print and fie with your other important household papers.

How affordable will your options be? That depends on the type and amount of coverage you need. See just how cost-effective a 30 year term life insurance policy with a benefit worth hundreds of thousands of dollars can be. Or choose a 20 year term policy with a more modest benefit and a premium that costs just pennies a day. Perhaps you need a life insurance policy with no medical exam required.

It all depends on your purpose for buying the policy. If your intention is to protect the financial future of your family, calculate your needs. How much is your mortgage or rent? How much would your spouse or partner need if your income disappeared? Or perhaps you plan to designate your policy benefit to go toward your children's (or grandchildren's) college education fund. Or maybe your intention is for your policy benefit to cover end of life medical expenses not covered by your health care insurance. Another reason some people buy coverage is to ensure their family has the resources to pay for your funeral and burial or cremation. Or maybe, like so many people, you want a policy that designates your church, mosque, temple, or favorite charity as the beneficiary.

Whatever your reason, whatever your budget, you can find options. Fast. And not only does the service not cost you anything, it saves you money by helping you find the most cost-effective options possible for your life insurance coverage.

Need help finding an affordable term life insurance policy? No problem. Use a free, unbiased, online resource such as LifeInsurance-Policy.com.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   Are You Planning Your Long Term Care As You Should?   Speedy Increase of Kentucky Long Term Care Costs   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   

Options in Long Term Care Insurance

Getting older may seem like a heavy burden sometimes. Sometimes it is hard to think about what to expect. While making life decisions may seem difficult now that you are older and more mature, it does not have to be. The best course of action to take is to try to find an affordable cost term life insurance policy that works. Perhaps the most convenient way to find term life insurance is to start off by using some comparison shopping rate quotes. To find options, you simply start off by answering a couple of simple questions using free comparison shopping tools and software.

It is the first option you have to take advantage of because within a couple of minutes you can already know which companies offer the best price quotes, features, and policies out there in the market. Another option when it comes to term life insurance is to consider how much you are going to pay for coverage. You could end up paying thousands of dollars to your beneficiaries. You may even end up paying more for insurance than you would on a cup of coffee per day. It is really up to you to decide what options are the best ones to pursue whether it's signing up for community based services, home health care, or even continuing care retirement communities.

The nice thing is that you can start entering into an affordable term life insurance policy now that will later cover hospital bills and funeral expenses. You cannot go wrong with comparing different quotes and companies that are all promising to offer you the best policy possible. Be careful though to choose your options wisely. Are you looking for a policy that is going to provide medical and death benefits? Are you looking for something that fits your needs and budget? Whatever it is that you are looking for, make sure that is the right option for you. Never make the mistake of picking one policy or quote that does not fit into your needs. I know a friend that wanted health support services for his mental disability as well as the option of living in a cheap nursing home, but he ended up choosing options that cost him more money than he actually needed to pay.

I know from personal experience that my family wanted to be able to live with assisted living or be in a nice and comfortable nursing home. Other family members and friends wanted to keep their medicare benefits and asked to receive custodial care. Custodial care is an option that allows you to be taken cared of with your daily living activities such as using the bathroom or dressing. Maybe another one of your term life insurance options is to find something that does not require a physical examination. Some people for various reasons have to avoid body inspections, syringes, and blood tests. You have so many options available that you do not need to take a physical examination if you do not feel like it.

Whatever choice you make though, please make sure that the premium costs remain low, and that all the benefits stay there to protect yourself and your beneficiaries. Never leave your life or your loved one's life behind. Choose a term life insurance policy that is right for you, and provides just the right death benefits you were looking to obtain. My family and friends prefer talking to an insurance agent about term life care options that met most of their needs from their personal experiences.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   Do Partnership Policies Cost More?   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   

Should Long Term Care Premiums Be An Issue?

Whenever the table top topic is long term care insurance, many people would suddenly blurt out that long term care premiums is the reason that they have decided not to purchase this type of insurance product.

According to them, they are looking at acquiring reverse mortgage once they've reached the age of 60 or older. They noted that this type of LTC plan option is ideal for senior citizens who won't be able to afford the annual premiums of an LTCI policy but it is not ideal for people who have a lot of assets to protect.

Firstly, with a reverse mortgage your house will no longer be your property at the time of your death. It will automatically be transferred to the ownership of the lender.

With an LTCI policy, you can manage to preserve your assets and what's more, you don't have to live every day of your life thinking what will become of your family's future once you've left this world already.

LTCI policies have numerous benefits but it can get costly if you do not know how to assess and manage your policy's variables. To be able to do this effectively, you have to be able to identify first the type of care that you will need in the future.

Secondly, you have to decide which LTC setting will provide you with the type of care that you need. Most LTCI buyers would settle for a comprehensive policy as this would allow them to receive care in the setting of their choice.

LTC settings come in different rates so you have to study your options first before coming up with a decision as this will greatly affect your policy's annual premium. Home care will definitely cost less than an assisted living facility and nursing home services but if you only base the computation of your maximum benefit amount on home care, you might run short on benefits should you develop a chronic disease and enter a nursing home.

Keep Long Term Care Premiums Down

According to LTCI professionals, the only way to achieving affordable LTCI premiums is by purchasing an LTCI policy early on in life. It does not matter if it will take you 40 years before you can require care, what matters is the fact that you can continue your lifestyle without having to worry about the cost of care in your area of residence.

Before you can buy an LTCI policy that is tailored to your needs, though, you have to first identify the type of care that you will need. Is it personal care or custodial care which covers assistance in the six activities of daily living (ADL) namely eating, bathing, toileting, dressing, continence, and transferring? Or, perhaps, an acute level of care?

Long term care premiums have been an issue for the longest time and there's nothing wrong with this. What's wrong is dismissing the fact that LTCI will serve as a good hedge against inflation and that it is more manageable than the current and future cost of care.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   Basic Considerations To Get Lower Long Term Care Insurance Rates   

Knowing Long Term Care Elimination Period Options

Long term care elimination period is one of the most important aspects of an LTC plan that interested buyers and existing policy holders should know and understand. Each policy contains specific provisions that regulate one's eligibility for benefits. Let us look at what elimination period is, what are its options, and how to choose among them.

Elimination period in LTC is also known as the waiting period or the policy deductible. It is called waiting period since it is the time that the policy holder must wait from the time the claim is made until the policy actually pays out benefits. During this time, the plan holder must pay all costs from his own bank savings or financial resources. Similarly, it is also referred to as policy deductible which is quite the same with the deductible in major health insurances. The difference is that in this waiting period, there is a specified number of days for you will pay for your own care until you become eligible for coverage.

One should also note that this period is also the number of days after the original coverage effective date of the policy. No need for the days to be consecutive. During this, the policy holder should be chronically ill and have been receiving primary care services aside from hospice or respite care before his benefits become payable.

Each insurance companies and each type of policies have different conditions regarding long term care elimination period. Aside from this, some modifications can also exist depending on the rules of the state where the policy holder lives. Upon receiving the LTC plan purchased, one can look at the schedule of benefits page wherein the important details regarding the policy deductible are stated. It is highly advised that an interested policy buyer and of course, the existing plan holder must make sure that the waiting period must coincide with the specifics of his LTC insurance policy. This period should only be satisfied once. It is also not needed to obtain benefits for respite care, hospice care, needs assessment and informal caregiver services.

Plan holders have the choice between 0, 30, 60, 90, 180, or 365 days for their waiting period. Premiums are usually more costly for short periods. However it is important to know that not all insurance carriers or companies offer all these options, others only offer a few. Upon the purchase of the LTC policy, one can also decide on the period and most of the times, this cannot be changed anymore once the policy is activated.

Calendar Day VS Service Day Elimination Period

There are two types of long term care elimination period, calendar day and service day. In the first type, period starts when the insured qualifies for eligibility for LTC benefits. Once this happens, the succeeding days will count towards the completion of the required period. On the other hand, in service day, upon the insured's qualification for eligibility to receive benefits, it is compulsory to receive actual long term care services which must be equivalent to the number of days in the elimination period before benefits can actually be received.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   

Is Long Term Care Insurance Right For You?

There is a great debate going on about long term care insurance. Many people are unsure if this type of insurance is worth the investment due to the fact that the premiums may seem high and there is no certainty that you will use it. As with any insurance policy there is the risk that you may not ever need it. Since it is not mandated like auto insurance or home owners insurance, many people try to weigh the risks and benefits before investing.

If you really want this type of policy and cost is an issue for you it is important to shop around. You can look online for long term care insurance quotes or call and talk with several insurance carriers.

If you are not sure that you need this type of insurance you may be wondering if long term insurance worth it? There are several reasons why you may want to consider this kind of insurance. Long term care insurance will help defray the costs of assisted living care, nursing home care, home health aide care and more. This becomes important if you are aging or have health problems. The most common reason that people seek long term care insurance is due to old age or a pre-existing condition. Patients who have had stroke, heart problems, memory issues or diabetes many wish to consider long term care insurance.

This type of insurance is not beneficial to everyone. If you come from a wealthy background, or have investments that can keep paying for your long-term health care, then you may not want to take out this coverage. However, if you do not have that much money available, then you may wish to take out a policy before the money is drained by your constant medical care.

Many people are concerned that they will become a burden to their family. The costs associated with long-term medial care can be astronomical. This can put a huge strain on your family. The best way to give them some relief is to take out an insurance policy that will cover these costs. The coverage also takes care of your at-home care, since this is what most people prefer to nursing home care. Most people agree that they want to be near loved ones if it is possible and most feel that this helps patients cope well with their condition.

If you need this kind of care, explore your options online so that you can read how you can access this kind of cover. You need to do your due diligence and ensure that the policy you choose gives you the best value for the money that you are paying.

Can You Deduct Long Term Care Premiums?   Plan Even Though You Don't Want It   Services That Long Term Care Policies Cover   Increasing Long Term Care Costs in Naples and Miami   Speedy Increase of Kentucky Long Term Care Costs   

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